Why Women Need Special Physiotherapy for Certain Health Problems

Why Women Need Special Physiotherapy for Certain Health Problems

If you are a woman, you should know that there are both physiological and physical differences between men and women. So women need special physiotherapy in different conditions and at different ages. If you or a loved one are having certain physical problems, you should be careful when choosing the best physiotherapist in noida for women’s health.

BasicPhysical Differences

If you are thinking about looking for a Female Physiotherapist in Noida, you should know about the following physical differences between men and women:

  • Women have lesser muscle mass than men
  • Women usually have greater proportion of body fat. Most of this fat is stored in specific body parts.
  • Men usually have more body hair.

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Women

There is lots of evidence about the benefits of physiotherapy in alleviating or curing symptoms of incontinence, pelvic pain, prolapse, constipation, and other conditions in women. Some of areas where the best physiotherapist in noida can help you include the following:

  • Relief from lower back pain
  • Activation of pelvic floor
  • Relief from pelvic and hip pain around pregnancy
  • Reduction in lymphatic swelling
  • Strengthening core
  • Control of urinary incontinence

Treating Hypotonic Pelvic Floor Muscles

Studies show that structured exercise regimen can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and reverse many symptoms of hypotonic pelvic floor muscles. Some of the treatment methods used in physiotherapy include:

  • Pelvic floor exercises for re-training
  • Pilates based exercises to improve pelvic stability
  • Use of pelvic floor muscle stimulators for improving pelvic floor contraction

Your Female Physiotherapist in Noida can include many therapies into your treatment program. This can include trigger point release, scar massage, neural mobilizations, myofascial stretches, breathing and relaxationtechniques, and more. Your therapist can also provide you advice on positional and toileting modifications depending on your health problem.

Thus, there are many reasons why women’s health conditions often require a therapist who specializes in the area.