What are the 3 Most Common Causes of Hand Pain?

What are the 3 Most Common Causes of Hand Pain

Many people suffer from hand pain due to various reasons. Despite the pain, many of them continue to live with the pain without concern what may be the underlying cause. It is only when the pain becomes unbearable that they seek medical help. Usually, when you have an injury you are more likely to visit a Joint pain treatment clinic in Noida. If the pain is mild, most people continue suffering without trying to get to the root of the problem.

Here you will find a list of the common causes behind hand pain and why it is important to visit a Physiotherapy clinic in Noida.

1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This type of hand pain is caused due to nerve disorders in the hand. The pain usually lurks on a few fingers or the palm, wrist, or on the forearm. Usually, the pain gets worse during nighttime. This condition can also cause other problems like numbness, tingling sensation, and weakness. The index finger, middle finger and the thumb are the most commonly affected fingers. If you have such pain, you should immediately visit a good Physiotherapy clinic in Noida.

2. Arthritis

Arthritis is the most common cause of hand pain. There are different types of arthritis, but the common problem among all types is that the cartilage in the joints gradually deteriorates and causes pain and swelling. It can occur on different joints in the hand and you shouldn’t let it lurk for long. It will be best to go to a Joint pain treatment clinic in Noida during the early phase of this condition.

Arthritis in the hand can affect different joints including the following:

  • The thumb’s base
  • The end joint on the finger
  • Middle joint on the finger

3. Injury to the Hand or Wrist

You may be suffering from hand pain due to a minor or major injury. Many times people injure their wrists due to a minor fall or while exercising and ignore the mild pain. If you leave such injuries unattended, they can turn into major issues in the long term. If you notice any pain after a fall or accident, you should have your hand checked at a Physiotherapy clinic in Noida.

Flexor tendon injuries are common and involve the long connective tissue responsible for connecting the finger bones with the forearm muscles. These injuries may not be as painful in the beginning, but if left unattended they can turn into bigger issues in the future. A severe injury can also prevent the connected finger from moving. The common injuries causing hand pain are caused due to falls, sports injuries, or cuts. You may also suffer flexor tendon injuries if you already have rheumatoid injuries.

So whatever the underlying cause, you should get all kinds of hand pain checked at a good Joint pain treatment clinic in Noida. Most people suffer from one or the other kind of hand pain, but quash it as a minor issue. You should never take any pain in your hands lightly and see a specialist to prevent any complications.