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Overview of Knee Pain

The knee is the biggest and most complex joint in the body, holding together the thigh bone, shin bone, fibula, and kneecap. People facing Knee pain due to various factors. These factors are injuries, arthritis, overuse, aging, mechanical problems, and medical conditions.

Causes of Knee Pain

There are many causes of Knee Pain. Here are some of the main causes of Knee Pain.

  • Injuries: Knee Injury is a common cause of Knee Pain. Some common knee injuries are ACL injury, Fractures, torn meniscus, knee bursitis, sprains, strains and patellar tendinitis.
  • Arthritis: Arthritis is also a cause of knee pain. There are many types of arthritis existing nowadays. Some common types are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Pseudogout and Septic arthritis.
  • Overuse Repetitive Stress: Overuse of the knee joint is a cause of knee pain. These painful conditions are common in runners and cyclists. Pain is experienced behind or around the kneecap and can travel to the thigh or shin.
  • Aging: Aging is also a cause of knee pain. People are facing knee pain due to gradual wear and tear on the joint structures with age. In some case bony growths that can develop in response to osteoarthritis with age.
  • Mechanical Problems: Some mechanical problems can result in immediate knee joint pain. These mechanical problems are loose body, Iliotibial band syndrome, dislocated kneecap and Foot or hip pain.
  • Medical Conditions: Some medical conditions also cause of knee pain. These conditions are Gout, Bursitis, and Infections and so on.
    Gout: Buildup of uric acid crystals in the joint causing inflammation.
    Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursae, small sacs that cushion the knee joint.
    Infections: Infection in the joint, although rare, can lead to knee pain.

Knee Pain

Symptoms of Knee Pain

Recognizing the symptoms is crucial for early intervention. Look out for:

  • Pain: It is the most common symptom of knee pain.
  • Swelling: Inflammation around the knee joint.
  • Stiffness: Difficulty in bending or straightening the knee.
  • Redness and Warmth: Signs of inflammation.
  • Clicking or Popping: If you observe a clicking or popping sound while walking then probably you need to consult an orthopedic doctor or physiotherapist. Its clear audible sounds during movement.

Treatment of Knee Pain

The appropriate treatment plan depends on the cause and severity of knee pain. Common approaches include:

  • Rest: Allow the knee to heal by avoiding strenuous activities that worsen the pain. Use crutches or a knee brace if necessary to support and stabilize the knee.
  • Ice Therapy: Apply ice packs to reduce inflammation and numb the area, especially during the initial stages of pain.
  • Physiotherapy: A physiotherapist designs exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee, improve flexibility, and enhance overall joint function.
  • Pain Medications: To get relive from pain medicine like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen is used to manage pain and reduce inflammation. Always follow dosage instructions and consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns.
  • Supportive Devices: Supportive devices such as braces, knee sleeves, or orthotic shoe inserts provide added stability and relieve pressure on the knee which help to reduce pain.
  • Surgery: In cases of severe injuries or certain medical conditions, surgery may be recommended. This could involve arthroscopy, knee replacement, or other surgical procedures.

How physiotherapy help to reduce knee pain

Physiotherapy can be an effective and non-invasive approach to reduce knee pain by addressing the underlying causes and promoting overall joint health. Here are some ways in which physiotherapy can help:

  • Pain Management: Physiotherapists may use modalities such as ice or heat therapy to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. They also use TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) to control pain.
  • Manual Therapy: Therapists may use hands-on techniques to improve the range of motion in the knee joint and reduce stiffness. Physiotherapists also use Soft Tissue Massage that can help in releasing tension in the muscles around the knee, reducing pain, and promote better function.
  • Strengthening Exercises: Exercises are the primary tool for treating knee pain in physical therapy. Targeted exercises of the knee are used to help strengthen and improve the mobility of the knee. Strengthening these muscle groups can contribute to overall knee stability.
  • Education Patients: Physiotherapists educate patients on maintaining proper posture and body mechanics to reduce stress on the knee during daily activities.
  • Customized Treatment Plans: Physiotherapists tailor treatment plans to the individual needs of each patient, taking into account the specific cause and severity of knee pain.
  • Bracing and Support: In some cases, physiotherapists may recommend braces or supports to provide additional stability to the knee joint.
  • Home Exercise Programs: Physiotherapists often prescribe specific exercises for patients to continue at home, facilitating ongoing improvement and maintenance of knee health.

We at KR Physiotherapy provide the best physiotherapy treatment for knee pain in Noida and nearby areas. You can call us and book an appointment for any knee related problem.

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